Supply Chain System of Tea Industry in West Sumatera

Peni Soffiyati, Irna Ekawati


This study discusses one of the existing tea supply chain systems in West Sumatra especially involving PTPN VI Danau Kembar Solok. The study aims to look at the flow of the tea industry supply chain in West Sumatra, and the performance of the supply chain. This research uses SCOR method. The results showed that the actors of the tea industry supply chain in West Sumatra are farmers, cooperatives, PTPN VI Danau Kembar Solok, Joint Marketing Office (KPB), exporters and local consumers, and end consumers. There is a flow of material, information and money to each of the supply chain actors. Supply chain performance can be concluded through supply chain reliability performance attributes, supply chain responsiveness, supply chain agility, supply chain cost and supply chain asset management

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