Quality of Kahwa’s Leaves Hard Candy in Terms of Food Chemistry

Malse Anggia, Ruri Wijayanti


Kahwa’s leaves hard candy is known as one of the very popular food products by the community with variety of form and taste. The purpose of this research is to produce hard candy from kahwa’s leaf extract which can be a healthy snack. Since the activity of antioxidant and polyphenols will provide good health effects for the body. Moreover, this will increase the utilization of kahwa’s leaf. The stages of this research start with making of kahwa leaf extract, making hard candy, chemical analysis (moisture content, ash content, antioxidant, and polyphenol). The results showed that the moisture content 1,54 % - 2,06 %  and the ash content 0,06% - 0,41% and the content of antioxidants and polyphenols is  40,61%-78,52% dan 720 – 1423,33 mg GaE/gram. This results imply that kahwa’s leaves hard have met Indonesian National Standard (SNI)

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