Characterization of Mobile e-Nose for Halal Detection Device

Pharmayeni Pharmayeni, Zulhamidi Zulhamidi


Electronic Nose (e-nose) is an instrument used to detect odor or aroma. The system is built on gas sensor arrays known as electronic olfactory systems, because e-noses have the ability to mimic the workings of the human sense of smell. Since the output of this e-nose system is a signal, the signals represent patterns representing each of the scents so they can be applied for identification, comparison, quantification and aroma-based classification applications. In this study an e-nose was made to detect alcohol content in food / beverage using MQ-3 gas sensor connected ADC ADS1256 on Raspberry Pi and send its data directly to database server on Raspberry Pi. E-noses and servers are located on a wireless computer network. In the detection results obtained alcohol detection results with the detection of sensors in a standard solution of 200 ppm produces an average voltage detection of 1.6 Volts.

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