The Effect of Various Plasticizer for Making Edible Coating from Canna Starch Tuber to Traditional Food (Gelamai)

M Ikhlas Armin, Hafnimardiyanti Hafnimardiyanti


Indonesia is rich with plants as a source of starch, one of the plants is the canna (Canna edulis Kerr). During this time canna plant is only used as an ornamental plant, in fact canna has tuber as the source of starch that has not been widely used. Besides that, canna also easily cultivated, so the availability was abundant. Starch is one of the edible packaging material as a replacement for plastic packaging. The advantages of using edible packaging is to protect the food product, the original appearance of the product can be maintained and can be eaten as well as safe for the environment. The purpose of this research is the detection of materials that can be used as raw material for packaging edible, edible packaging manufacture and application to semi-moist food gelamai, especially to its quality during storage. In this research the extraction of starch from the canna tuber is done by maceration. Starch solution obtained was made into edible packaging in a way diluted with distilled water and heated to gelatinization temperature (75-80oC) is reached, after that the plasticizer is added to add plastic properties to packaging edible. Plasticizer used is glycerol, sorbitol and polyethylene glycol with various concentrations 1, 1.5 and 2%. After mixed, solution was heated for 30 minutes. Edible solution is applied to gelamai with variations immersion of dyeing 1 times, 2 times and 3 times, then dried in an oven at 60 °C for 1 hour. From the research that has been done obtained packaging edible coating from starch canna tuber with the addition of 1% sorbitol got the best reception from panelists based organoleptic test. Packaging edible coating  give effect to the shelf life of this galamai characterized by decreasing the rate of increase in the value of Thiobarbituric acid to coated gelamai compared with the control. Control undergo rancidity at week 2, gelamai with platicizer glycerol at weeks 4 and sorbitol in week 3. Plasticizer polyethylene glycol does not give rise plasticizer, characterized by the breakdown of the surface of the product after coated and undergo rancidity in week 2.

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