Utilization of Edible Coating and Film from Mocaf Flour to Extend Shelf Life of Gelamai

Hafnimardiyanti Hafnimardiyanti, M. Ikhlas Armin


Plastic is the most widely used for packaging material, but plastic polymers have weaknesses such as heat-resistant, tear-free and contamination by monomer transmission to packaged materials and non-biodegradable properties. Then developed the type of packaging from organic materials and derived from renewable materials, economical and edible packaging. Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) has become one of the potential sources of starch for edible packaging. Mocaf is a derivative product from cassava flour made with the principle of modification of cassava cells in fermentation with lactic acid bacteria. The purpose of this research is to observe the effect of mocaf edible packaging (film and coating) on the storability of the gelamai packaged with this edible packaging. In this study, gelamai is packed with edible packaging in the form of edible film with 1% glycerol plasticizer, edible coating with glycerol and sorbitol plasticizer with concentration of 1, 1.5 and 2%. Then performed organoleptic test to see panelist reception to gelamai which is packed with this edible packing, then the determination of water content and tiobarbiturat acid level to see the effect of edible packing during storage of gelamai. From the research that has been done obtained that based on organoleptic test, the increase of plasticizer concentration decrease panelist's preference level to gelamai. This edible packaging has an effect on the shelf life of the galamai, wherein gelamai with edible coating plasticizer glycerol 1% provides longer shelf time compared to other packing types, marked by the growth of fungus at week 4, although rancidity has begun to appear at week 3. The other packers such as plastic, edible film glycerol 1% and sorbitol, rancidity have arisen at week 2 and fungus grows at week 3.

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