Sefrianita Kamal, Lusia Eka Putri, M. Taufik Eka Prasada


Soap is a cleancer that every human needs, clean, free of acne and smooth skin is the desire of human every human, especially women. Soap is used as a dirt-cleaning agent, especially for dirt that is a fat or oil by emulsifying them. Stepping from the above statement, in accordance with the concept of bact to nature, then try to develop a formulation of transparent soap, a combination of VCO with catechin. Soap is product of a mixture of salt, sodium with stearic, palmitic and oleic acids containing a few components of myristic acid dan laurate. It is expected later the consumer can accept this formula. Transparent soaps containing catechins are formulated with three consentrates, 0 %, 0.25 %, and 0.5 % each of the formulas evaluated in the from of description, pH, foam power trial, the comparison showed no significant difference of formula 1,2 and 3.


formulation, transparent soap, VCO, catechin, costumer

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