SAINTI: Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Industri is a scientific journal published by Unit of Research and Community Empowerment, Politeknik ATI Padang, Ministry of Industry, Indonesia. It is at the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to the mainly focuses on applied research in industrial systems and technologies. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of industrial systems and technologies. SAINTI works closely with BKSTI (Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri) to support SAINTI and working together in managing journals, exchanging articles, and distributing articles broadly together. BKSTI are professional institutions related to SAINTI's aims and scopes. SAINTI Journal was Crossref member and used DOI prefix 10.52759/sainti. SAINTI: Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Industri, editorial board invites you to submit your manuscript to be published in this journal.
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Vol 21, No 2 (2024): VOL 21 NO 2 DESEMBER 2024
SAINTI | Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Industri, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2024, consists of 6 articles with author affiliations originating from:
- Politeknik Industri Furnitur dan Pengolahan Kayu
- Politeknik ATI Padang
- Universitas Mercu Buana
- Universitas Negeri Medan
- Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara
Table of Contents
Fesa Putra Kristianto, Fitri Indah Puspitaningsih, Sobrina Aisya Salsabila
Taukhid Wisnu Broto, Yessi Nasia Ulfia, Nuskha Ilma Arini
Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, Peni Shoffiyati, Muhammad Fadhlul Rahman
Sri Kaidah, Wahyu Hari Prasojo, Muhammad Ari Prasetio, Tosty Maylangi Sitorus
Melysa Putri, Fejri Subriadi, Syafrinal Syafrinal, Hafnimardiyanti Hafnimardiyanti, M. Ikhlas Armin, Annisa Putri
Rizki Fadhillah Lubis, Muhammad Dominique Mendoza, Kinanti Wijaya, Rima Melati, Abraham Ismail Pulungan